

  • 25 April 2019

The various bodybuilding exercises at your disposal for pectoral strength training

EXERCISES OF MUSCULATION OF PECTORALS Here is a list of bodybuilding exercises that target the pecs. The exercises are classified according to the necessary equipment and can be done in gym, at home or outside.
Exercises with bar
Inclined developed
Developed declined
Developed lying tight grip
Exercises with dumbbells
Inclined developed
Recumbent recesses
Inclined gaps
Exercises with machines
Developed at smith machine
Developed horizontal chest
Pulleys facing each other
Exercises at body weight
Pumps tight grip
Pumps raised feet


The first exercises of your session should preferably be the exercises of development where you will take heavy. Ex: Recumbent, Developed inclined dumbbells etc .. Indeed these exercises where the intensity is the highest should be done when you have the most energy available. In this way you will be able to progress in strength and muscle mass. These compound exercises can lift heavy loads because your chest will work in harmony with other muscles such as the front of the shoulders (anterior deltoid) and triceps.
Do not forget to vary the working angles in order to have aesthetic pectorals. Many bodybuilding practitioners focus on the bench press and reclining limbs, causing developmental delay on the chest. We often have a hollow in the upper part in the middle of the pecs, to remedy this inclined and inclined spread exercises must be integrated into your programs. In this regard see in particular our article: "How to strengthen the upper chest".
You will find in the list of exercises that you can easily perform at home or in a park. These exercises do not require equipment or simply parallel bars to be performed. These exercises can be very effective at the beginning to begin your progress in bodybuilding and gain muscle mass. In particular, progress on the pumps by adding repetitions each week. Vary the pump exercises with the position of the hands close together or the elevation of the feet in order to focus a little more on the top of the pecs.

HOW MANY PECTORALS WORK EACH WEEK? It depends of course on the workload that you assign to each session. If you perform a single exercise then the frequency may be higher. If you perform 4 exercises then this will require many days of rest before training again. Most recent studies for natural athletes show that a higher training frequency is beneficial in terms of muscle development. So a good estimate might be to work them 2 to 3 times a week by doing about 1 to 2 exercises each time for this muscle group.
WHAT INTENSITY TO WORK? The intensity on an exercise, is the percentage of the maximum load that you are able to develop. For example, if your Maxi in the bench press is 100kg. Working with 70kg is 70% intensity. The intensity that is chosen has an impact on the number of repetitions that you will be able to perform and will also have a different impact on your body. Light loads allow for example to work the endurance, the average loads rather target hypertrophy and heavy loads the work of force (To summarize in a simplified way).

For the pectorals you will be able to vary the intensities and the workloads. I particularly advise to work hard on the basic exercises and add a maximum of work volume via insulation exercises for example. You can also vary the workout cycles. Thus you have a wide choice possible, you will generally work between 60 and 80% of your maximum load on the different exercises if your main objective is the gain of muscles. Work close to 60% will allow you to perform a series of 12-15 reps. On the other hand, the closer you get to the 80%, the fewer reps you can do and the 5-8 reps will be done.
Good training!






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