
12 week workout plan

  • 26 May 2019

Exercise doesn’t need to be long, and it should never be boring. It just needs to be effective at producing the results YOU want, and efficient enough to fit into your busy schedule. As I’m sure you’ve seen by our success stories, the effectiveness of our workouts have never been in question. They produce awesome results - period. But it’s important that you realize just how time-efficient our workouts are as well. After all, you won’t get any results if you don’t have the time to do it. So, we’ve come up with a way of integrating calorie-burning cardio into resistance training (“weightlifting”) for one super-effective, time-efficient workout that can be done in as little as 20 minutes! We call this the “E2 method” because it’s DOUBLE the Effectiveness and DOUBLE the Efficiency. Normally, between weightlifting sets you rest, get a drink of water, get caught talking with the local gym rat, etc, right? Why not use this time more efficiently and complete your cardio routine too! Instead of wasting time between sets, keep your heart rate up by doing one minute of cardio. For example, you just finished a set of lunges and your heart is pounding. Instead of letting your heart rate go back down before your next set, do a minute of cardio ... and then go right back to the next set of lunges (or whatever your next exercise is). This way, your heart rate stays elevated the entire workout - both when lifting, and in between your sets. By the time you’ve completed your weightlifting routine, you’ve done a full session of cardio as well. Plus, this keeps your metabolism revved up longer, making your body more efficient at burning fat around the clock. That’s double the effectiveness and efficiency for better results in less time - that’s what Fast Track to Fat Loss is all about! On the following pages you’ll find a 12-week workout routine that you can do in the comfort and privacy of your own home with your own bodyweight, dumbbells, resistance bands, and a stability ball. If you don’t have all of these, or you’d prefer to workout at a gym, that’s fine. Every exercise in our workouts include a list of alternate exercises that you could do instead (refer to the Exercise Instructions Article).



Between each set in our workouts you’ll see “Cardio 1 minute.” As explained above, you should do some form of cardio for 1 minute in between your sets. This could be the treadmill, stationary bike, jumping rope, bench step-ups, or whatever keeps your heart rate elevated for 1 minute and is convenient enough to get to between your sets. For example, refer to Week 1, Workout 1 in this book. Here you’d start off doing set 1 of lunges for 12 reps (each leg), and then go immediately to 1 minute of cardio, such as jacks ... then go immediately back to lunges for set 2 (again, both legs), then 1 minute of cardio ... and then on to set 1 of your back exercise, and so on. Important note: as you review the workouts in this book, notice how we didn’t include “Cardio 1 minute” in between the exercises for biceps, triceps, and abdominals. This is because we use a technique called “super-setting,” which combines two exercises back to back without rest (or cardio) in between them. This not only increases the intensity, it saves time as well. For all other muscle groups that don’t use this technique, you’ll see that the Set Sequence is “1” for the first set of a particular exercise, and then “2” for the next exercise. This simply means that you do the first set, then go straight to cardio for 1 minute, and then back to the second set. But for the bicep, tricep, and abdominal exercises, the Set Sequence is “1” for both because there is no cardio in between the two sets. That is, it’s just one big set (or “super-set”) of two exercises - back to back. The 12-week workout plan in this book is designed for a beginner/ intermediate fitness level at 3 days per week. If you’d like a routine that is custom-tailored to the equipment you have available, your schedule, fitness level, etc, please e-mail us at  and we’ll reply with options that may be better suited for you. If you signed up for your own Fast Track Personal Trainer, be sure to ask them for help. They are 100% committed to your success and will absolutely make sure you’re implementing a workout routine that is perfect for YOU. Whether you follow this workout plan exactly, or have one custom-tailored for you, be sure to use the “E2 method” explained above and look forward to the time-savings and the results!


Week 1


workout 1

Legs & Butt

Set Sequenc reps Set Sequenc
LUNGES (Rb) 12 1
Cardio 1 minute  
LUNGES (Rb) 12 2
Cardio 1 minute    




workout 1


Set Sequenc reps Set Sequenc
Cardio 1 minute  
Cardio 1 minute    



Set Sequenc reps Set Sequenc
ONE ARM ROW (Db) 12 1
Cardio 1 minute  
ONE ARM ROW (Db) 12 2
Cardio 1 minute    



Set Sequenc reps Set Sequenc
Cardio 1 minute  
Cardio 1 minute    



Set Sequenc reps Set Sequenc
Cardio 1 minute    


Biceps & Forearms

Set Sequenc reps Set Sequenc
BICEP CURL (Db) 12 2
Cardio 1 minute    


Next workout


12 week workout plan




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